TRCU Certificate

TRCU (Technical Regulation of Customs Union) is an integrated certification system that is executed in the European Economic Union in 2015, which means a technical specification for the certification evaluation of a product group corresponding to the ¡°integrated conformity assessment list¡± agreed between member countries of the Customs Union. EAC (Eurasian Compatibility) mark is attached in TRCU certificate.

Purpose of TRCU

Under the existing GOST certification system, it was started with the aim of free economic cooperation among member countries without the hassle of receiving certificates in accordance with each country's standards. TRCU certification, CUTR certification, and EAC certification mean the same certificate.

TRCU Certificate expiration date

The TRCU certificate is divided into one-shipment and serial certificates according to the expiration date.

What is One-shipment certification?
One-shipment is a one-off contract. And this is a one-time certificate issued based on contracts between registered local corporations, branches, importers and exporters(manufacturer) within the custom union.
A contract between the importer and exporter must be required and the One-shipment certificate is valid for the quantity specified in the contract and for the duration of the contract period.

What is Serial certification?
TR CU is certificate for a period of at least one year to five years. This certificate is not relevant to product quantity, so it is suitable if continuous exports are expected or contracts with multiple importers. Because of certificate is issued on the condition that the product will be provided to an unspecified number of people, the manufacturer's QMS and post-factory audit are required.

Contact Person

Yun Jaeik